The Sorcerer’s dilemma is to shape, literally, the entire world. Everything in the life of a Sorcerer is fair game for modification. By modifying components of one’s life with some of the unique powers available to a Sorcerer, the whole may be changed as the practitioner deems fit. A proactive modification of the world, the minds of those around, and in the spiritual realm leads the Sorcerer, ultimately, to the realisation of many goals which would be otherwise unattainable. By studying the methods of the mystic arts, one can begin to see a pattern emerge of why some proactive spells work and why some won’t. The Sorcerer is aware of this pattern and works to perfect weaving it into their spells.

Though usually dark arts, the Sorcerer also delves into some white arts for the ability to induce proactive change on their surroundings. Ventures into the Twilight realm prove the power of these other worlds and their impact on the mortal realm.

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